Build to what? Poll reveals public unaware of ‘high-quality’ rented homes
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- 18th Dec 19

With renters increasingly demanding better choice, security and benefits from the rental market and nearly 150,000 Build to Rent properties completed or planned across the UK - half of which are in London - the future seems bright for secure, high-quality options. There’s just one snag – the public hasn’t heard of them.
New polling carried out by Deltapoll on behalf of Love to Rent, the UK’s first Build to Rent specific search platform, has revealed that 59%[1] of the British public have not heard of the term ‘Build to Rent’. Of those who had heard of the term (38%[2]), less than a quarter felt they knew what it meant.
The polling has also revealed that nearly four in ten British adults expect that they or their children will be living in rented accommodation in ten years’ time, making the need for high-quality rental properties more urgent than ever.
Living trends show an increase in people choosing to rent over traditional homeownership, including more retirees and families.
Former Assistant Director of Housing at the GLA, Jamie Ratcliff, commented:
“I believe that Build to Rent is a vital part of the consumer offer and housing supply challenge to help tackle London’s housing crisis. I’m delighted to see the launch of Love to Rent, the UK’s first search platform exclusively for Build to Rent homes, which will positively support that.
“Love to Rent will help to promote the consumer benefits of build to rent homes, as well as highlighting to customers that they do have more choice in the rental market.”
The Love to Rent platform ( features Build to Rent developments from across England and Scotland.
Commenting on the poll, Love to Rent founder and CEO, Anne-Marie Brown said:
“Renters are increasingly demanding better quality and more secure tenancies. But one of the biggest barriers to achieving this is that the public simply doesn’t know they exist.
“As the UK’s first and only online platform specifically developed to showcase Build to Rent developments and properties, Love to Rent can be the catalyst to shake up the rental market, delivering more choice and better quality.”
The polling also reveals that over-65s have the highest awareness and understanding of the term ‘Build to Rent’ at just over 30%[3], compared to 17%[4] of 18-to-34-year olds.
Anne-Marie Brown said:
“As the quality and security of rented homes improve, people of all ages are opting for the increased flexibility that comes with a Build to Rent property. But it’s crucial that we ensure that customers know that they don’t need to settle for second best when choosing a home.”
[1] Deltapoll (2019), iNHouse-Deltapoll191021
[2] Ibid